What Teens Are Saying…
What aspects of Teen Empowerment were most useful or valuable for you?
"Probably the environment and knowing I can go to a safe place if I had a bad day before."
— EJ, 16 years old, Colorado
"The things we took away from the speeches were very valuable along with the community that was formed during the meetings."
— NT, 13 years old, Texas
"I valued the people the most! I loved it!"
— AR, 16 years old, Nevada
Would you recommend this program to other teens? Why or why not?
"I would definitely recommend this program to other teens because it’s just super nice to have a second family encouraging you to keep you on the right track. It also helps get you ready for the world. Hearing other people’s stories and how far they have come just makes you feel like you can do anything if you work and give it 110%."
—AH, 15 years old, Illinois
“Yes, actually, because some people are struggling with their goals and actually might need these programs."
— JT, 15 years old, Texas
"I would definitely recommend this program to other teens, and I have. It is just a great experience and overall a good way to feel empowered and motivated."
— KA, 14 years old, Texas